[2018_Xiomara CTF] [REV] Slammer


문제 풀이

먼저 바이너리 파일을 리눅스에서 실행해보면 다음과 같다.

$ ./slammer
password: abcd

password를 입력값으로 하여 일치여부를 확인하는 문제이다.

IDA hexray decompiler

hexray decompiler가 정상적으로 동작하지 않았다.

radare2를 통한 디버깅

$ r2 -d ./slammer
[0x00600120]> aaa
[x] Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
[x] Analyze function calls (aac)
[x] Analyze len bytes of instructions for references (aar)
[x] Use -AA or aaaa to perform additional experimental analysis.
[x] Constructing a function name for fcn.* and sym.func.* functions (aan)
= attach 2888 2888
[0x00600120]> pd 20
|           ;-- segment.LOAD1:
|           ;-- rip:
/ (fcn) entry0 347
|   entry0 (int arg_19h, int arg_7e7e3e7eh);
|           ; arg int arg_19h @ rbp+0x19
|           ; arg int arg_7e7e3e7eh @ rbp+0x7e7e3e7e
|           0x00600120      b801000000     mov eax, 1
|           0x00600125      bf01000000     mov edi, 1
|           0x0060012a      48bee8004000.  movabs rsi, 0x4000e8
|           0x00600134      ba0b000000     mov edx, 0xb                ; 11
|           0x00600139      0f05           syscall
|           0x0060013b      4881ec000100.  sub rsp, 0x100
|           0x00600142      b800000000     mov eax, 0
|           0x00600147      bf00000000     mov edi, 0
|           0x0060014c      4889e6         mov rsi, rsp
|           0x0060014f      ba32000000     mov edx, 0x32               ; '2' ; 50
|           ; CODE XREF from 0x006000ee (map.home_joizel_slammer.rwx + 238)
|           0x00600154      0f05           syscall
|           0x00600156      b823000000     mov eax, 0x23               ; '#' ; 35
|           0x0060015b      bf06014000     mov edi, 0x400106
|           0x00600160      31f6           xor esi, esi
|           0x00600162      0f05           syscall
|           0x00600164      4889e1         mov rcx, rsp
|           0x00600167      48ffc9         dec rcx
|           0x0060016a      48ffc1         inc rcx
|           0x0060016d      803978         cmp byte [rcx], 0x78        ; [0x78:1]=255 ; 'x' ; 120
|       ,=< 0x00600170      7427           je 0x600199
[0x00600120]> s 0x60016d
[0x0060016d]> pd 2
|           0x0060016d      803978         cmp byte [rcx], 0x78   ; [0x78:1]=255 ; 'x' ; 120
|       ,=< 0x00600170      7427           je 0x600199
[0x0060016d]> dr rax=0x78
0x00000000 ->0x00000078
[0x0060016d]> dr rip=0x600199+3
0x00600120 ->0x0060019c
[0x0060016d]> s rip
[0x0060019c]> pd 1
|           ;-- rip:
|           0x0060019c      bfb60c0000     mov edi, 0xcb6              ; 3254
[0x0060019c]> ds 5*0xcb6+5
[0x0060019c]> s rip
[0x006001ae]> pd 1
|       :   ;-- rip:
|           0x006001b5      803969         cmp byte [rcx], 0x69   ; [0x69:1]=255 ; 'i' ; 105

기본 명령어

V + p + p (disassembly)
step into (s)
step over (S)
:px 200@[address]
s 특정 주소: 특정주소까지 이동
pdj 1: 디스어셈블 내용 json 형식으로 1줄 출력

해당 명령을 python r2pipe 플러그인을 이용해서 실행하면 플래그를 획득할 수 있다.

import r2pipe

r.cmd("ood 2>/dev/null")
r.cmd("s 0x60016d")

while True:
    rax=r.cmdj("pdj 1")[0]["ptr"]
    if rax==0x7d:
    r.cmd("dr rax="+str(rax))
    rip=r.cmdj("pdj 2")[1]["jump"]+3
    r.cmd("dr rip="+str(rip))
    r.cmd("s rip")
    edi=r.cmdj("pdj 1")[0]["ptr"]
    r.cmd("ds "+str(5*edi+5))
    r.cmd("s rip")